Film Fresh
Film Fresh
Rebekah Cook: All about Casting & Acting
Rebekah Cook is a Christ Follower, a team player, and a non-stop encourager. She lived in Spain for 20 years before moving stateside to pursue acting. She has served on cast or crew of over 30 film productions. Rebekah loves partnering with directors and actors to develop compelling characters from a script and breathe them on to screen.
2 Corinthians 1:12
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Check out Rebekah's IMDB page
Check out the first project Rebekah cast as a casting director
The Screenwriters
Other projects Rebekah worked on were Indescribable
Beyond the Mask, Polycarp and Champion
Rebekah also worked on the current new release Counter Column
Christian Worldview Film Festival and Guild
Film Fresh is Co-Hosted by Chester Goad and Jared Easley
Follow Chester on Twitter @chesterwgoad
Follow Jared on Twitter @jaredeasley
Follow Film Fresh on Twitter @filmfreshpod
Film Fresh Podcast - Rebekah Cook
[00:00:00] And one of the things that I encourage people who are new to the Christian film space, whether they're veterans in film or not is to connect with other people, doing it and go and learn and learn on other people's projects. Whether you're a director producer, like go help someone else go serve and see what you can learn from them.
[00:00:18] See what the Lord will teach you. Build relationships.
[00:00:28] Jared Easley: [00:00:28] Welcome to the film, fresh podcast, the latest in clean family friendly and faith-based entertainment. I'm one of your host. My name is Jared Easley and joining me is my cohost and aspiring cyclist. Chester goes,
[00:00:42] Chester Goad: [00:00:42] where do you come out with these things? Cyclist. Oh, you're, you're pulling that from one of our previous interviews.
[00:00:49] That's funny. Oh my
[00:00:51] Jared Easley: [00:00:51] goodness. Not talking about previous guests. Let's talk about today's guest acts.
[00:00:55] Chester Goad: [00:00:55] Let's do an excellent idea. We have Rebecca Cook with us today. Rebecca Cook is a Christ follower [00:01:00] and is also a described as a team player. And a non-stop encourager. I know this to be true. She lived in Spain for 20 years before moving stateside to pursue acting.
[00:01:08] She served on cast or crew of over 30 film productions. Rebecca loves partnering with directors and actors to develop compelling characters from a script and breed them onto the screen. We're so excited to have Rebecca on the show to talk about her experiences and to give our listeners some insight into the casting process and overall production.
[00:01:26] We're thrilled to have her on the show. Rebecca Cook, welcome to film fresh. Yeah. Thank
[00:01:30] Rebekah Cook: [00:01:30] you so much for having me
[00:01:32] Chester Goad: [00:01:32] glad to have you,
[00:01:33] Jared Easley: [00:01:33] Rebecca. That's quite an introduction. Wow.
[00:01:39] Okay, Rebecca, we love to start off with something that's a little bit, a little bit funny, maybe a little story that made you laugh or something that made you smile. Anything pop up recently.
[00:01:48] Rebekah Cook: [00:01:48] Oh, yeah, man. My, my mom was telling me at that video. My brother sent him his little girl and my niece has recently begun to walk.
[00:01:56] And he's actually on the set of a TV show right now. His wife and daughter were able to [00:02:00] be with him there and he sent a video and she was she's walking outside and the sun was out. And every few steps she would lean down and attempt to pick up her shadow the cutest thing. So I'm really looking forward to seeing that video.
[00:02:14] Yeah.
[00:02:14] Chester Goad: [00:02:14] I love that. That's awesome. Oh my goodness.
[00:02:18] Jared Easley: [00:02:18] That reminds me of my daughter. When she was that age, she would do stuff like that. That's not quite bad, but now I miss
[00:02:24] Chester Goad: [00:02:24] those days, man. Oh, my side would just wrestle in the bud. We seriously, at one point we were out. I remember we had this. Huge rainstorm.
[00:02:33] And we went out into our front yard and got, had gotten all muddy and we just had like a little wrestling match out there. It was fun pictures. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, Rebecca, let's talk about, you tell the listeners a little bit about you and your journey and how you got involved in filmmaking and, you know, and casting.
[00:02:50] Rebekah Cook: [00:02:50] Wow, how to encapsulate. It's been a long journey for sure. And I can't take any of the credit for it. It's all been the Lord for real and recent. I [00:03:00] was in Spain and lived there so long. My parents are actually missionaries and they're still serving there. They're still there even though they're empty nesters now in the middle of class.
[00:03:08] And, uh, we're all serving the Lord. Um, he's called us to different areas, a few of us into film and. It was when I was about 15, still living in Spain, didn't move over here until I was 20. And I was really seeking the Lord to hear his voice for myself, not just to follow what people I trusted around me side, because I was realizing that as I grew older, I was needing to take more and more responsibility for my relationship with the Lord.
[00:03:35] And not just piggyback on others, you know, and I'm a good follower, but the Lord needs to leave me, not just, just others that follow him. Right. So, and so I decided, well, you know, to get to know his voice better, I'm going to just start copying out scripture, like crazy. And so I would spend hours every day just copying out scripture, especially when I didn't have as much schoolwork in the summer.
[00:03:56] And, and just getting to know his voice. Right. And we have the [00:04:00] promise and John 10, the stranger, we will not follow. And, but. But to, for his voice to not be a stranger, we didn't need to know his voice. So that summer I was watching a film that I'd seen before made by a church in Oklahoma, like way back when, right.
[00:04:16] Of course this is way back when for a lot of people, but I was watching it and a certain scene was just really touching me. And I was like, Oh wow. You know, just, I began, you know, just praying just throughout my datas in my head, you know? Little things to the Lord. And so I didn't even, I, it wasn't like a stop moving.
[00:04:33] I was like, okay, stop everything. We're going to pray. It was just more, I'd love to impact people that way one day. And it was like a boomerang. It wasn't audible. Cause it wasn't like anybody else was like, did you hear that? But just so cleared my spirit. I have equipped you to do that. And I practically had goosebumps.
[00:04:51] I was just like, Whoa, I was not expecting that had never occurred to me to act or do anything with film before that. And [00:05:00] so I just submitted that even to the Lord. I was like, Lord, I think I heard your voice, but you know, I'm still learning. And so I'm trying to be humble here and like, I don't want to come up with something that's just my own dream or my own plan.
[00:05:11] That's not your plan for me. So with that was a desire that you planted then make that grow and show me what to do with it. Cause I haven't got a clue. And so that began a long journey of just self study. Good homeschooler. I, you know, soon as I got interested in a new thing, I would, you know, just do all the research I could do on it to learn about it.
[00:05:30] And. Then eventually it wasn't until years later that I got on my first film set and as an extra, and the Lord led me to do an internship with a film company in Virginia for a couple of years, starting out, even though they weren't casting anything or like teaching after specifically, but they had a heart to train it.
[00:05:48] Christian filmmakers to serve the Lord in this industry. And that really resonated with me and the largest unmistaken white just led me to that place. And it was them actually that got me [00:06:00] started in casting and other crew work, which was not at all on my radar to begin with. But I'm so grateful to Laura, just how he led me and in different ways.
[00:06:10] And of course it's led to so many collaborations on various projects where I'm able to not just minister in the types of projects that I'm a part of, which is important to me. Of course. To have a standard and a brand and kind of legacy there, but also to minister, to filmmakers and to actors because we all need Jesus and we're all at different points in our journey.
[00:06:32] And so I just really love being able to come alongside other filmmakers and talent to be a light. To their path.
[00:06:47] Chester Goad: [00:06:47] so much in there just then I have to, I have to veer off for just a second. Something you said really it was, it was profound and convicting to me. And you're not going to probably not gonna think a big deal about this, but when you were talking about writing out scripture and [00:07:00] just writing out scripture, I do a lot of writing out things to memorize and I do it all the time.
[00:07:06] And that's how I, that's how I learn. No matter what it is. I, I spend time typing it, tactilely, writing it, you know, to, to learn it. And it has not occurred to me to do that with scripture and I man, what a great idea and how profound that is. And I really need to do that. So thank you for that. And then also just listening to that, what your testimony just now really listening.
[00:07:28] And being sensitive to where, what God had planned for you and what the purpose was there that we need to be listening more. Sometimes we want to tell him what we're, what we should be up to next, you know,
[00:07:39] Rebekah Cook: [00:07:39] well, to follow up on your candidate, there are others, actually an app and a website called scripture typer that create that help you create typing exercises to memorize scripture.
[00:07:48] And they have a sister website memory typer that you can input, whatever you need to, whether it be. Your cue lines and your, your lines for a script or various things to help with memorization. So
[00:07:59] Chester Goad: [00:07:59] I'm getting it right now. [00:08:00] Okay.
[00:08:02] Jared Easley: [00:08:02] Rebecca, I've heard the phrase experiences, the best teacher, and you had a variety of experiences and opportunities and film.
[00:08:09] More, if you might share some of those that are, have been not so glamorous and maybe some that have been a little more fun. So what can you tell us?
[00:08:18] Rebekah Cook: [00:08:18] Sure, sure. Well, the Lord just really did lead me to more than mentorship and apprenticeship route. I would say I looked into college thought that was, you know, the obvious way to go for me, that wasn't right now.
[00:08:29] And it may still be for some others, but I really felt clearly from the Lord not pieced to do that. And so I was like, okay. And so then. He led me to other opportunities. I'm so grateful for all the people along the way who have poured into my life, both creatively and spiritually. Um, and a lot of times this can go to, you know, they'll go together in this, this part of the industry, because it's so important.
[00:08:52] I believe to be grounded in our faith, grounded in who we are in Christ, especially as actors. [00:09:00] There's so much that we study and, and seek to cultivate for putting on other characters authentically and being able to portray them with conviction and in clarity for others to see the story come to life.
[00:09:12] But then what do we come back to? You know, sometimes we've forced so much of ourselves into that character that we feel like we're leaving ourselves behind when we take that character off. And so there's a danger there of having the residue of those characters. Come back to us. And fortunately as Christians and followers of Christ, we can come back to scripture again and say, who am I in Christ and who has God making me to be as conformed to his image?
[00:09:38] And what is my character in him? And am I staying in character with Christ as myself? Whether it be on set and a workplace environment or at home with family to treat them with the respect and grace that they need from us, whether it's be people helping with assault with auditions. Right. That's been one where I have [00:10:00] had to repent many, a time getting cranky with my sisters, like, Oh, she's just being, so this is the sweetest human being my reader and help with everything.
[00:10:08] But I'm just getting frustrated with my. Difficulty with the sides or the role or whatever. It may be technical
[00:10:15] Chester Goad: [00:10:15] things recorded getting in the right spot to get the lighting. Correct. And yeah, and they do bear the brunt of some of our frustration. Sometimes
[00:10:23] Rebekah Cook: [00:10:23] to me, that's exactly how we want to take it out on someone else.
[00:10:26] And so just being able to be sensitive, totally spirit, and be quick to repent quick to ask for that forgiveness. And, you know, learn for next time that, you know, we should make sure that we eat something before we start nobody's angry and just little things. Let's see. I mean, the first feature that I worked on, man, it was a multimillion budget production, and it was like trying to learn how to swim, having jumped in the deep end.
[00:10:55] It was just a lot to take in. And I was helping with counseling on that [00:11:00] one principals and then during principal photography, helping with background casting as well. And that was just a whirlwind of experience, but it taught me so much. I mean, actors, if they're able to get in as a reader for auditions, you learn so much and you get to play with characters that you wouldn't otherwise normally be able to portray on screen.
[00:11:21] Right. We have less leeway than theater unless you're voice actor, you know, there's little more. Lay there, but if you're a reader, you get to play off the other actors and really, it teaches you how to seek, to give the other performers, the other actors and the scene, their best moments. Because as the reader, you're like listening and trying to respond adequately to how they're playing the same, not making it about you while also, you know, just seeking to convey those little things subtly that you've heard the director give as notes on the scene to the other actors and say, you can kind of give a little bit of that.
[00:11:55] And just watching Amanda's Cassius isn't that first film I saw [00:12:00] hundreds of audition videos and was able to see surprisingly quickly why some got called back some why others didn't and helped me learn to avoid some of those
[00:12:11] Chester Goad: [00:12:11] mistakes. That's great. I do have a question. I think I know the answer to, but do you intentionally seek out cleaner faith-based projects or is that something that you're seeking or is that just sort of where you've landed and you end up there or have you worked on non-faith based sets?
[00:12:27] Rebekah Cook: [00:12:27] That's a great question. I'll give kind of the medium long answer because as a teenager, you know, looking toward, Oh, is his film going to be my, at least a season omission that the Lord has for me. Um, and in seeking to submit all of that to him and honor him in that I was intentional about. At that point crew was not on my radar, but at least for acting, you know, setting those boundaries of what will, what am I willing to do or not do to portray a character or help tell a story?
[00:12:58] And what kind of stories [00:13:00] am I willing to be a part of what is going to be my legacy? Because it's more important to me, what I am known for, to people that I care about to tell my kids about one day for them to be able to be proud of what I've been a part of. You know, it helped me to think about it that way, because I do want a family and kids one day, Lord willing and more than just, Oh, what will my grandma think?
[00:13:22] Or what will my mom think about this? It's like, what do I want my kids to know me for? Or other people coming up after me? I have two younger sisters and many more younger sisters in the Lord. And so what example am I setting for them? And being able to set those boundaries early, because there is so much.
[00:13:39] Demand for compromise in this industry that will pressure your convictions. And so if it's just convictions that you hold because of someone else's beliefs, that's not going to stand up to the pressure, your only conviction, that doesn't mean yield because something you and the Lord have settled and there are different ways to convey that.
[00:14:00] [00:14:00] Yeah. So to give an example, I made a decision early on to not kiss anyone on screen. That is not my husband. And I know not everyone has that commitment and, you know, it's, there's nothing specifically in scripture that says that, that it does say to hold marriage in high regard. And I felt that for me, one of the ways to do that was to reserve that for my husband or definitely.
[00:14:27] Like, I don't think even I would be comfortable with, even if my husband were, but sometimes the way I'll word it for casting, if I'm submitting for a role that I can tell we'll have a scripted kiss, even if not in the sides that I was given. I'll just try to convey that to them. And an honest yet winsome way.
[00:14:44] It's like, well, you know, just so you know, this is something that I've, I've decided won't happen, or, you know, I haven't been able to have that conversation with my husband because he's not here yet. And, and to say, okay, this is, this is a line I have. And. I [00:15:00] respect myself enough and my own standards enough that if you need to disregard me from this casting, that's okay.
[00:15:13] Chester Goad: [00:15:13] No, I think that's really great because I am a part of TC Stallings uncompromised group. And there's a, there's about 20 or 30 of us. Who have joined that group. And he's taught us so much, is that a lot of mentorship and things there that he, he does a whole video on that very topic and not being willing to compromise in that area because he has a wife and that he talks about these things in advance and he also lets them know in advance that he knows techniques that would make it look as though he is.
[00:15:39] You know, and I thought that was pretty cool. And he, he goes over that in the videos and just talks to all of us about the importance of protecting your own family and your own integrity. And that while there may not even be a thought in it that something like that could actually, you know, become a barrier or there's lots of different things that he talks about.
[00:15:57] But I think that's a really respectful [00:16:00] approach for
[00:16:00] Rebekah Cook: [00:16:00] sure. That's just one aspect I'll that I can mention just for me, has been aligned there. I definitely look for, for clean for family-friendly, for faith-based projects, for sure. Um, and you asked if I worked on any that aren't, that there have been a couple of projects that I would say are not being marketed to faith based audiences.
[00:16:22] However, the people that brought me on, I knew enough about their own convictions and how they plan to handle the script. And read the script in advance to be sure that I didn't have any problems with it personally, because it's more than just doing a word search and saying, Oh, is there any thought language here or is there any nudity described or anything like that?
[00:16:43] Which for me are also pretty good deal breakers, but it's is this project in any way, demeaning, who I know got to be, or. Things that God values, you know, is it respectful of the marriage relationship and how to get there and just different things of [00:17:00] pastors, um, different figures in authority, you know, how does it handle simple situations?
[00:17:05] Does it lead the viewer to desire those things? Or to realize how harmful they can be in the long run. And does it lead people to seek God more glorify God more? It's not about having a salvation scene, although that can be appropriate. And I have worked on several films that have really beautiful moments where it shows that moment of commitment, but is the story.
[00:17:29] Leading the viewer to God or away from God. And one interesting thing I found as an actress and having, you know, these, these email sent me from calcium size of, Oh, you might be right for this or whatever. It's very easy to sort them and delete a lot. A lot of them, there's not really a lot of neutral content out there.
[00:17:48] Um, and so, you know, I have different casting directors that I keep an eye out for projects they're affiliated with because I know they're. Testimony is strong and, and their values will hold up. [00:18:00] Definitely certain directors that I know we could all name as like, Oh, it's not project. You know, we want to be a part of it, but then evaluating new ones.
[00:18:07] I think it's always a great idea. Before I commit to a role or a project to read the script. Or at least make sure that there's not any elements that would make me regret having committed to the project. Becca,
[00:18:21] Jared Easley: [00:18:21] I, you mentioned you have several people that are casting directors that you're connected with, and I I'm actually curious, I don't really know.
[00:18:28] I'm not as familiar with what a casting director actually does. I was wondering if you might be willing to explain and take me through a casting directors involvement and participation in the filmmaking process.
[00:18:39] Rebekah Cook: [00:18:39] Absolutely. So this is something I'd like to specifically speak to actors about because some of them have a misconception.
[00:18:46] I feel on the role of the casting dress, they can seem so all powerful. And so they're like, Oh, I need to make a good impression. Obviously, that never hurts. But the casting director actually rarely has the final say, [00:19:00] although they usually have. Good influence and the ear of their director and producer.
[00:19:05] Normally the director and or producers will have final call on who gets the offer. And sometimes if that one ends up just falling through, for whatever reason, they'll have backup options and things. So the role of the casting director, I feel ideally, is to communicate very well with production. Director or producers, right.
[00:19:28] Or whoever is involved on that end that has a creative side and the cast and get their vision for the story and the characters and what sort of audience they're trying to reach, because that can, that can affect what talent is reached out to also at the budget level, of course, of what are they going to be able to offer these, these actors who are auditioning or things.
[00:19:51] So no, the, the level of project that they. Are seeking to be involved with, which may or may not be out of their [00:20:00] reach. And then from that point to create a. The breakdown, which is then sent out to agencies and or actors on various sites and things to let agents and actors know there's a project that is casting.
[00:20:16] And so having all of the details that are needed, that people have questions about initially, uh, is very helpful to put together in a standard format. Just listing the key people involved, the shoot dates of the project can be very helpful to know because a lot of actors may have other gigs coming up.
[00:20:34] And that way they'll know if they're available or not. Knowing a rough pay rate is helpful. And. You know, I've, I've seen a lot of indie Christian calciums. There's like copy and credit. Well, at least they're honest about that, you know, they, aren't trying to, to say, okay, well, you know, submit for our project and they don't mention anything about pay and it's awkward for the actor to then say, so is this a pain project?
[00:20:58] Because it's fair to let them [00:21:00] know before they spend time submitting. And then a description of the character that is hopefully compelling and accurate, that will give them clues on how to play the cricket during the audition and let them know the function of that role in the story. Okay. Would be very helpful.
[00:21:16] And then in the selection process, you know, just being a bit of a matchmaker, if you will of saying, Oh, you know, we feel like these are the good candidates. So from people that apply, you know, these are who I feel that we should reach out to for actual auditions, then various rounds of callbacks from there to keep sorting it down to the best picks for each role.
[00:21:39] And, uh, oftentimes the final rounds of callbacks will have a live interaction between the talent and the director and or casting director. To really see if it will be a good working relationship, because the other thing to keep in mind beyond just who is a good fit for the role or the role within the ensemble [00:22:00] is, is the director able to work.
[00:22:03] Compatibly with the actor and sometimes there's personality clashes, or just communication breakdowns that don't become clear until that point that can make or break decisions. Well,
[00:22:15] Chester Goad: [00:22:15] that's a great point. Do you ever throw in a wild card? So maybe they, they tell you that we're really looking for this type of person that you see somebody and you see something in them that you're like, Hey, why don't you at least take a look at this one?
[00:22:26] Rebekah Cook: [00:22:26] Oh, yeah, there's definitely, usually at least several characters within, as a story that I'm like, have you thought of options for this beyond just the stereotypical or. The exact coloring you had in mind or different things like that. I love adding texture to an ensemble. I really think it helps the viewers tell the characters apart too.
[00:22:48] There's some movies that I'll watch and it'll be like, it's hard for me to tell the lead apart from their best friend or different things. And you can just really tell either the director or the casting director really has a look that [00:23:00] they like, and it gets a little cookie cutter, but, um, it's always fun to see.
[00:23:07] Not to get into the politics of diversity, which I don't really enjoy because I think that can be a little over done, but, but just keeping it interesting and keeping it real to not have to all look like models or have the, the look that we've become accustomed to maybe, maybe a little too much to look for it and just give that, that.
[00:23:30] That texture and those differences that, you know, God made us all differently and it's because he loves her. And I think to some extent we all do. And so why not show some of that stuff? And so trying to, to create that in, especially the characters that may lend themselves to it, or maybe aren't quite as defined, trying to get the approval from production to leave those roles slightly more ambiguous.
[00:23:58] And the look or the feel of them and [00:24:00] see what, what we get with our net cast.
[00:24:10] Chester Goad: [00:24:10] so a practical question before we go to the next one, I just want to follow up for listeners out there. If, if, if there's somebody out there who's interested in being in a film. How did they find the casting directors? How did the casting directors find to them? And, and we can move on from there. I was just, I thought, practically speaking, how do we do this?
[00:24:26] Yeah,
[00:24:26] Rebekah Cook: [00:24:26] absolutely. So here's a real easy way that does involve some research. If you really don't know who the casting directors are out there in the space that you're looking to be in. Look up the films that you're interested in and being in those sort of films on INDB and see who the casting director is.
[00:24:42] If you see a names popping up more than once, likely they cater to that space a little better than some other casting directors. I know that Beverly Holloway is when I can always recommend she's been casting faith-based films and other films too, [00:25:00] for, I believe over 30 years now. And she's just so solid.
[00:25:05] Loves the Lord, just wonderful woman of God. And she's mentored me and my casting work for sure. Even before we've met, if you can believe it just does super encouraging. Oh yeah, she's great. And she loves to share with actors. And that's one thing too, that I wish more actors knew is the casting directors are not.
[00:25:28] Most of the time, in my experience, like they're rooting to find just the right actor and they want that to be you, you know, they, aren't trying to be the stern person in the room. And, and yes, if you go to a live audition and they've seen a hundred actors already that day, that just gets tiring. We're human too, but know that we're waiting for you to surprise us, to blow us away, to be just the person that we needed.
[00:25:51] And we want that to be you. It's not having to be. It's not having to try to be some other actor or some other person because each actor has [00:26:00] something unique to bring to the role. And so it's not having to manage manufacturer something that is other than who God has made you to be. It's just not, I'm going to be the right role for you all the time.
[00:26:12] And so that's okay too. And use the experience to grow. Yeah.
[00:26:16] Jared Easley: [00:26:16] Becca. I understand that you do coaching and mentoring. What advice do you have for creatives who are interested in pursuing filmmaking and specifically for actors and actresses looking to pursue family-friendly projects?
[00:26:29] Rebekah Cook: [00:26:29] Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
[00:26:32] So I don't know. Are you familiar with the Christian worldview film festival? Okay. I asked one of my favorite industry events.
[00:26:46] I've been involved with it in some way, shape or form ever since its inception in 2014. And. Its mission statement is to foster community and learning and encouragement for Christian [00:27:00] filmmakers and people telling stories in this space. And they really do that. Uh, it's not just a film festival. My favorite part is actually the guilt, which comes before that, where they bring in working professionals to teach in their field and mentor people.
[00:27:14] And there's just so many different things to choose from. And it's always hard, but at least they record it and you can like get the recordings later. They actually have all the years archives on their website for online Guild members. Uh, it's a really low fee yearly to be able to access those. I've taught several workshops for them, for acting, for casting different ones.
[00:27:36] And so going to an event like that is a really great way. If you don't know anyone in your area or aren't connected to anyone. It's a great way to meet people. A lot of people have connected there over the years. And I, for me, it feels like a family reunion anymore because either I've worked with them or I've met them or, you know, various things.
[00:27:57] And I love the new faces there [00:28:00] and being able to share and mentor people. And one of the things that I encourage people who are new to the Christian film space, whether they're veterans in film or not is to connect with other people, doing it and go and learn and learn on other people's projects.
[00:28:15] Whether you're a director producer, like go help someone else go serve and see what you can learn from them. See what the Lord will teach you, build relationships. And even for actors. Go volunteer on a short film as crew or something, especially if you've never been on a set before. It's such, it's much lower pressure to go in when you weren't the one having to perform, but you can learn the set lingo and different things and learn some humility and things like that.
[00:28:43] And, and learn from the actors. My goodness, if you're working on a film, there's other actors doing their thing and you get to watch and what better way than to have a front row seat of that. So I really encouraged people like there's so many skills that's needed on a film set. There's [00:29:00] surely something you can do.
[00:29:01] So the main part then is getting connected with people and building those relationships so that they invite you on, even as a volunteer, there's only so many people that you can use on a set. So that is something that I recommend people starting out and get going from there.
[00:29:15] Chester Goad: [00:29:15] I think that is exactly right.
[00:29:17] And, and I have to say there was a set where I actually had the opportunity to where I met you actually. And do you, do you know, that was the first set I've ever been on where we prayed before a scene? And it made this huge impact on me. I mean, I was like, this is so nice, you know, and who that's getting ready into that moment doesn't need prayer or want a prayer, you know?
[00:29:43] So I thought that was fantastic. Do you have a particular verse that really sustains you?
[00:29:49] Rebekah Cook: [00:29:49] So, I, I haven't been always one to like, Oh, pick favorites or have these different things, because I like so many things. But, um, but I finally did pick a favorite [00:30:00] color. I picked a favorite installed movie, things like this.
[00:30:03] And one other thing that I, I did, um, seek the Lord about was what is the first that, that you really want to use in my life. And that is second Corinthians one 12. And it says, now this is our proud confidence, the testimony of our conscience. That in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom, but by the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world.
[00:30:25] And especially toward you. And that really impacts me as far as how I want to live my life, how I want my, my reputation to be ultimately not about me and my skills, but how I'm honoring the Lord, how I'm able to walk in that humility and do things by his grace, not my own power or skills and not just generally and the world, which is important, but to each situation, especially toward whom I'm with.
[00:30:57] Jared Easley: [00:30:57] Rebecca as we start to wrap up here, where can [00:31:00] listeners connect with you or learn more about your projects or learn more about mentoring and things like that that you have available?
[00:31:06] Rebekah Cook: [00:31:06] Yeah, absolutely. They can go to my website to learn about my coaching services and just more about the work that I have done over the years.
[00:31:14] Uh that's actress, I spell my name, R E V E K H. So actors, They can connect with me on Instagram, on Facebook, again, actress Rebecca as the handle, definitely Christian worldview film festival, which we mentioned earlier, a few projects that people might want to check out my first time being a casting director.
[00:31:34] And, uh, this film was, um, kind of an informal graduation project for those of us entering with this film group in Virginia. It's called the screenwriters and I believe it is on Amazon prime and some other streaming platforms also on DVD. Great. Okay. Awesome. Yeah. Indescribable is great for kids and families.
[00:31:55] That was the set where I really discovered a passion for teaching and for mentoring [00:32:00] others, even though it was only my very, that was my third film set as a feature ever, but I got to be on cast and crew for that one. And at age 22 at the time, I was one of the oldest people on set. So it was a very, very great experience of just working with young people beyond the mask is a really fun one.
[00:32:18] Great for families as well. I did background casting there Polycarp as one that I love to recommend. It's great for families. I was a casting director again, and just an amazing, true story. Well, the main character is as kind of a fictionalized version, but kind of historical fiction there, but a lot of true stuff and a great things champion.
[00:32:39] It's another one that I love to recommend, uh, help with casting as well as I was the script supervisor there. And then counter column. This one, uh, audience choice award at CWB BFF, the Christian worldview film festival this last year. And I got to be the acting coach for that. That was my first time being an onset [00:33:00] acting coach, which was really fun because there was actors of all different experience levels.
[00:33:05] And I also got to use my Spanish. On set, which was super fun because it was filmed partly in San Antonio. One of the characters is from there, which it's actually having a theatrical premiere in April and San Antonio here. And, uh, had a great, great turnout at the one in Indiana, which is where the rest of the film was done.
[00:33:25] I wasn't able to be there for one of the blocks of filming for the bootcamp things, but I was there for everything else. And it's a really great story about some young men who encounter each other at army bootcamp. And some of them know the Lord, others don't and they're just struggling with how to live out their beliefs.
[00:33:43] And in that environment, And what happens with their lives. And, uh, it was a really great experience. Most of the people working on the film met at that festival. And so then be able to show it there and kind of celebrate with everyone was really special.
[00:33:58] Chester Goad: [00:33:58] Uh, I'll tell you something, we're actually [00:34:00] going to have, uh, Matthew Jordan on the podcast.
[00:34:03] So, yeah, so we're excited about that. That was
[00:34:05] Rebekah Cook: [00:34:05] his first time producing. It was, uh, Gilbert surreal his first time directing. That's so awesome. Yeah. I love working with them. It was really great.
[00:34:15] Chester Goad: [00:34:15] Cool. Well, Rebecca, this has been a lot of fun and we've learned a lot so thankful for you, your willingness to come on and share with us.
[00:34:22] And I think the listeners are probably going to get a lot of great information about this. Thank you for coming on film, fresh with us and sharing all your information. We want to wish you the very best. We want you to know that we will be praying for you, and we cannot wait to see what God has in store for you.
[00:34:34] And what's up next for you. Thank
[00:34:36] Rebekah Cook: [00:34:36] you so much. I appreciate that. Thanks Rebecca. .